


Getting asked to sign a contract is incredibly nerve-racking; putting your name down on that dotted line can cause heart palpitations even if you are confident that it is a suitable agreement at the right price. One area in which companies have started asking clients to sign contracts is for drain maintenance chemicals. Many drain maintenance companies have begun providing their solutions in “program agreements” - a contract in which a company agrees to provide drain maintenance chemicals regularly in exchange for scheduled payments.

This article explains the pros and cons of signing a drain maintenance program agreement. It will help you understand whether buying drain chemicals on an ad hoc basis or in a contract is right for you. 在State Chemical, we offer both solutions: some of our clients utilize program agreements, 一些人在交易的基础上购买, 还有一些人使用两者的组合.



A 下水道维修 Program Agreement Provides You with Regular Delivery of Chemicals

A program agreement is a contract in which a company agrees to provide drain maintenance chemicals regularly in exchange for scheduled payments. 通过签署节目协议, the company agrees to supply provide you with equipment and chemicals and you agree to pay for that service.

Most companies that provide drain maintenance program agreements provide their clients with (1) equipment to dispense chemicals into their drains and (2) the chemicals. The equipment is provided shortly after the contract is signed and the chemicals are then shipped to you at regularly scheduled intervals. 大多数客户每月收到产品.

A company will provide dispensing equipment that takes chemicals from a bucket and slowly drips it into a drain. Then, as the bucket of chemicals is used up, the company will send you a new bucket.

The alternative to signing such an agreement is to buy the equipment and chemicals individually. You must sign a new purchase order with the company each time you need new chemicals.


Price is often a Deciding Factor in Whether to Sign a Program Agreement


One of the significant benefits of program agreements is that you have price stability. 如果你签了一个项目协议,这个价格就锁定了. 在合同中, the company usually agrees not to raise prices or agrees only to raise prices by a certain percentage. 该公司不能大幅提价. You will know in advance how much you will pay monthly for your drain maintenance solution.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, if you do not sign an agreement and instead decide to buy drain maintenance chemicals as needed, 这家公司可以随时提高价格.


项目协议的一个缺点是 can be challenging to see what you are paying for on your invoice. Many companies provide a single line-item invoice for an agreement. That line item includes the collective price for shipping, equipment, chemicals, and service. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 如果你在合同之外单独购买每件物品, 你可以看到每件物品的确切价格. Your invoice will have a separate line for shipping, equipment, chemicals, and service.


Program Agreements Provide Stability, While Ad Hoc Buying Provides Flexibility


项目协议提供稳定性. When you sign a program agreement, that price is usually locked in. As discussed above, the company cannot significantly raise its prices. 因此, 当你签署项目协议时, 你提前知道你每个月要付多少钱.


排水护理往往是一个眼不见心不烦的问题. One of the major drawbacks of buying ad hoc is having to remember to order the products you need. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, program agreements provide stability in receiving the products you need – 产品将以固定的节奏发货给您. Therefore, you know you will not run out of drain maintenance products. The program agreement allows you to be more proactive with your 排泄护理.

Con: Program Agreements Provide Less Flexibility To Cancel and Modify

临时购买产品提供了灵活性. 如果您临时购买,您可以随时停止订购. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, some contracts lock you in to buy products for a set time period. 在签署项目协议时, 你应该注意取消条款. It is important to note whether the contract allows you to cancel when necessary. If the company does not have flexible cancellation terms, you cannot cancel at any time.

如果您决定按需购买产品, 在您的订单中添加和减去产品更容易. It is also easier to change the dosing if your chemical needs change.

 描述项目协议的优点和缺点的图表. 列出的优点是:你每个月要付多少钱, 你有一个固定的价格, 您将自动收到所需的产品, 你知道你的排水管已经被处理好了. 缺点是:缺乏价格可见性, 改变产品更加困难, 改变产品剂量是比较困难的, 灵活性更少, 而且更难取消.

The Punch Line: Program Agreements Provide Stability, While Ad Hoc Buying Provides Flexibility

Deciding whether to sign a drain maintenance contract can be a difficult decision. Program agreements provide you with price stability and regularly scheduled products, 所以你知道你的排水管被处理好了. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, buying on an ad hoc transactional basis can give you price visibility and flexibility regarding what and when to purchase.

Regardless of how you buy, you next need to decide what products to purchase. You can purchase most products through a one-time transaction or a committed program agreement. 例如,你可以购买 要么是浮式脱脂剂,要么是生物制品 在程序协议或事务上.

At State Chemical, we offer ad hoc and contractual purchasing to suit individual needs. 对于这两种情况,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站都在您购买时提供服务. 例如, we will change out the bucket of chemicals and fix or replace the dispensing equipment as needed. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站 to discuss whether ad hoc or contractual buying will work best for you.